
The Difference Ignorance Makes

The Difference Ignorance Makes

(Supreme Court Decisions) What is normally required in law school is reading, writing, and critical thinking.  This involves public speaking, political science, economics and history/government/politics.  The assumption is that the baseline of preparation for legal work is to be able to argue a case with linguistic skill – whether oral […]

The Smartest Life Form on Earth

The Smartest Life Form on Earth

(Preserving the Ecology That Sustains Us) There are thousands of incredibly gifted life-forms on our planet.  Research reveals this to be true in respect to both microcosm and macrocosm forms – whatever their visibility to  the human eye. But which is the smartest?  The word smart derives from a German […]

Part IV: The Sine Qua Non of a Lasting Government

Part IV: The Sine Qua Non of a Lasting Government

Series IV  Does Democracy Have A Future? THE SINE QUA NON OF A LASTING GOVERNMENT (Carefully Taught) Sine qua non refers to that without which something cannot exist or happen.  It is an absolute prerequisite.  I suggest there is a sine qua non to the continuance of any government whether […]

Part III: Democracy and Civilized Living

Part III: Democracy and Civilized Living

Series III Does Democracy Have a Future? DEMOCRACY AND CIVILIZED LIVING On October 21, 1988, the United States Congress passed a resolution acknowledging the historical debt America owed the Iroquois Confederacy of Indian Nations for their demonstration of democratic principles and their example of a free association of Indian nations.  […]

Part II: Socialized Capitalism

Part II: Socialized Capitalism

Series II: Does Democracy have a future? (The American Perversion) Ever since the inception of America there has been a battle for the citizenry’s commitment to either democracy or economic imperialism.  This battle has persisted for almost two hundred and fifty years.  During this time the nation’s character has evolved […]

Part I: The Disarray of Majority Rule in American Democracy

Part I: The Disarray of Majority Rule in American Democracy

Series I Does Democracy Have A Future? THE DISARRAY OF MAJORITY RULE IN AMERICAN DEMOCRACY The framers of the constitution faced a serious problem. In outlook, following the American Revolution, many of the colonies maintained an independent spirit despite the notion of supposedly becoming a group of united states.  They […]

A Democracy Set Against Itself                 (Introduction to Series: Does Democracy Have a Future?)

A Democracy Set Against Itself (Introduction to Series: Does Democracy Have a Future?)

Introduction During the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, a lady asked Benjamin Franklin whether we had a republic or a monarchy.  He replied: “A republic if you can keep it.” (Keep in mind that a democracy is essentially a republic where the citizens vote reigns supreme.) This lady’s question is […]

The New Canary in the Coal Mine

The New Canary in the Coal Mine

Remember the stories about how the coal miners used to take a caged canary with them down in the coal mine?  The canary was sensitive to gas and would die when its level became dangerous – thus, warning the coal miners that it was time to evacuate the mine if […]

Feeding the Wolves

Feeding the Wolves

(Creating Tomorrow) There are two opposite directions our lives can take that produce two opposite tomorrows – both personal and social. One is called good.  Good is an existence that affirms one’s own worth and honors the worth of others.  It abhors the degrading of others. It is willing to […]

The Corruption of American Democracy

The Corruption of American Democracy

TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMIC IMPERIALISM In looking at the issues facing America’s future it is imperative to have clear definitions of terms and clear distinctions of differences. Definitions The following definitions are crucial to understanding the greatest threats to American democracy: Communityism – a group banded together to accomplish their common […]