Month: <span>August 2020</span>

Part III: The Grave Yard Awaits

Part III: The Grave Yard Awaits

# 3 of 4: The Primal Issues of Democracy THE GRAVE YARD AWAITS (The Fate of Democracy) At the entrance to the Port of Democratic Fulfillment stands the Lighthouse of The Common Good, shining its beacon of guidance to incoming nation ships.  Its purpose is to warn of the treacherous […]

Part II: Democracy’s Avowed Enemy

Part II: Democracy’s Avowed Enemy

The second in a four part series on the primal issues we face in American democracy DEMOCRACY’S AVOWED ENEMY When democracy was born from the American Revolution its avowed enemy stood in the birthing room and swore the baby would never grow beyond its swaddling clothes.  And it has been […]

Black Lives Matter Part I

Black Lives Matter Part I

(This is the first of three in a series on what are the real issues we face in instituting a democracy in America) BLACK LIVES MATTER WILL CONTINUE TO BE AN ISSUE AS LONG AS WE THINK THE ISSUE IS BLACK LIVES MATTER Black lives matter was not the issue […]